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Friday, November 1

11:15am CDT

Technical Skills for Talent Scouting: Making Equitable Decisions with Data
Friday November 1, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Highly effective teachers in advanced programs often say that their task is that of a “talent scout”, flexibly using a variety of data to recognize potential. This session will equip you with the knowledge to confidently use assessment data to better identify potential in students who might otherwise be overlooked. We will build the skills to confidently and flexibly interpret assessment data, explore different ways to combine multiple measures, assess equity, and distinguish effective assessment tools.
avatar for Joni Lakin

Joni Lakin

Professor, University of Alabama, The
Dr. Lakin is Professor of Educational Studies at The University of Alabama University. She conducts educational measurement research related to test validity and fairness. She is lead author of the Cognitive Abilities Test (Form 8). Her federally funded research on developing new... Read More →
Friday November 1, 2024 11:15am - 12:00pm CDT
Room 167

12:15pm CDT

How Much of the Teacher is in Teacher Rating Scales?
Friday November 1, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm CDT
Teacher rating scales or checklists are a common data point in making identification decisions. But some of what these scales measure stems from the rater as opposed to the student being rated. This session will share new research from >50,000 students who were rated with one of five rating scales. We will share what we found and recommendations for how to decrease rater effect and increase the validity of the data derived from these instruments. 
avatar for Scott Peters

Scott Peters

Director, Research Consulting Partnerships, NWEA
Scott J. Peters, Ph.D. is the Director of Research Consulting Partnerships at NWEA, a division of Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt (HMH). Prior to joining HMH he served as a Professor of Assessment and Research Methodology at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater for 13 years. He received... Read More →
Friday November 1, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm CDT
Room 265

1:30pm CDT

Identifying Outliers in Potential and Performance to Unlock Opportunity
Friday November 1, 2024 1:30pm - 2:15pm CDT
The data from gifted identification can provide a world of insights when scouting for those "diamonds in the rough" who can truly shine with a little help. This session highlights strategies for understanding student aptitude, identifying gaps in potential and performance, and differentiating instruction by contrasting ability and achievement data to provide a bridge from students' demonstrated potential to drive opportunity and academic growth through a strengths-based lens.
avatar for Joni Lakin

Joni Lakin

Professor, University of Alabama, The
Dr. Lakin is Professor of Educational Studies at The University of Alabama University. She conducts educational measurement research related to test validity and fairness. She is lead author of the Cognitive Abilities Test (Form 8). Her federally funded research on developing new... Read More →
avatar for Vickie Driver

Vickie Driver

Senior subject matter expert, Riverside Insights
I am an expert on CogAT®, the Cognitive Abilities Test ™, considered by many to be the "gold standard" as an assessment of cognitive reasoning and student ability. I work with educators and thought leaders across the country about using CogAT and about best practices for identification... Read More →
Friday November 1, 2024 1:30pm - 2:15pm CDT
Room 101C

2:30pm CDT

Educational Equity through Identification of Underrepresented Gifted and Accelerated Students
Friday November 1, 2024 2:30pm - 3:15pm CDT
Our vision for accelerated and gifted learning opportunities in Berwyn South District 100 is to provide students with rich and culturally responsive experiences that are driven by student aptitude, achievement, and social and emotional support.  Audience members will learn about our robust identification process for gifted students, our AIMES program (Advanced Inquiry of Mathematics and English-Spanish Language Arts), our beliefs, and our differentiated supports for both dual and monolingual students. 
avatar for Lindsey Sinde

Lindsey Sinde

Director of Learning Management & Assessment, Berwyn South School District 100
avatar for Samantha Shuman

Samantha Shuman

Director of Instructional Innovation, Berwyn South School District 100
Friday November 1, 2024 2:30pm - 3:15pm CDT
Room 256
Saturday, November 2

12:15pm CDT

Identifying and Serving Our Gifted Learners: Taking an Inclusive Approach
Saturday November 2, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm CDT
Researchers estimate that over one million Black, Hispanic, and Native American students could have been identified for gifted programs but were not. Why? The identification process typically requires English language fluency and advanced academic achievement.  Language demands in ability tests are barriers for smart students with limited academic knowledge and English language skills. The presenter provides solutions to address this prejudiced approach, along with suggestions for serving and supporting high-potential students in gifted education programs.
avatar for Dr. Dina Brulles

Dr. Dina Brulles

Academic Associate, MLF Teacher's College, Arizona State University
Dina Brulles, Ph.D., is the Gifted Masters Program Coordinator at Arizona State University and the former Director of Gifted Education at Paradise Valley USD in Arizona. Dina has served as NAGC’s Governance Secretary and the board’s School District Representative. She received... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm CDT
Room 164

12:15pm CDT

Talent Development Profile: Responsive Identification Practices in a Continuum of Services
Saturday November 2, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm CDT
Implementing an inclusive and well aligned identification practice for advanced learner services can be challenging. Through case study, this session will explore best practices that include use of a student “talent profile” approach to identify students in need of advanced learner placement and instruction at all tiers in a continuum of services.  
avatar for Melissa Hinshaw

Melissa Hinshaw

Assessment Director, Northwestern University
Melissa Hinshaw is the Assessment Coordinator at Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development. Throughout her thirty-year career as an education professional, she has served as a classroom teacher, administrator, consultant and Account Manager for NWEA. You can find recent... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 12:15pm - 1:00pm CDT
Room 166

1:30pm CDT

Giftedness is Neurodiversity
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 2:15pm CDT
Who's gifted? Neurodiversity can remove the mystery from the term gifted and lead to better learning environments for our neurodiverse children. In this session, we’ll look at models of giftedness and discuss giftedness as neurodiversity. We'll consider five important attributes of neurodiversity associated with giftedness and how they can improve identification of gifted children. Finally, we’ll discuss learning environments that align with the neurodiverse needs of gifted children.
avatar for Elizabeth Blaetz

Elizabeth Blaetz

Founding Head of School, Vanguard Gifted Academy
With over 20 years in gifted education, I founded an innovative micro-school to specifically serve the needs of young gifted children. Vanguard Gifted Academy teaches children at their learning levels rather than based on their age. Children have authentic learning peers, varying... Read More →
Saturday November 2, 2024 1:30pm - 2:15pm CDT
Room 164
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